“If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.” –JFK, Amherst College Address (Oct 26, 1963)

Friday, February 4, 2011

I hear ya cluckin' little chicken.

Recently I have started thinking more and more about the expiration dates of relationships and even certain understandings and emotions. What's most interesting to me about this is the fact that nothing/no one can be dependable, it's not for a lack of trying but there's no guarantee that people will stick around for as long as they've promised or feel the same way today as they do tomorrow. The inevitability is inevitable, the way that I have found that this relates to the art world is in people's practices and the fact that interests tend to change over time and no matter how consistent certain artists seem there is always going to be a certain shift in their meanings and explorations. This is one of the most beautiful yet simple concepts to understand and I intend to look further into this as my practice grows. On a more general note, this week in life drawing we have been moving further away from gesture drawings and more towards contour line drawings and getting proportions marked correctly. In the past I have been better at long drawings because when I move swiftly my hands don't seem to cooperate with my eyes. I'm not doing as well as I'd have hoped in this area of the class and so I'm not entirely sure how the rest of the semester will work out but I am hoping to improve with practice and persistence. We've also begun working on putting muscles on our skeletons and I have found that to be a great deal harder than I had ever expected it to be. It is interesting to me that it looked so easy before I started and then when I did I realized the major difference between 3d and 2d skeletal structure. I might have to pull the clay off that I have already modeled because it is not looking as well as I would have liked.

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